Press release: We object to the statement of the Calvinist University | Háttér Society

Press release: We object to the statement of the Calvinist University

Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary considers that statement entitled „On Homosexuality” issued on 4th January 2004 by the Faculty of Theology of Károli Gáspár Calvinist University maintains severe discrimination. The statement was reaffirmed by Dean Németh Dávid, who in his explanation said: Those who lead a ’homosexual lifestyle’ will not be regarded by the Calvinist University as capable of participation in university education and later take up service (within the Calvinist Church).

The university cannot discriminate between its students on the basis of their lived sexual orientations, because it is contrary to par. 70/A of the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary, as well as to par. 8 of the Law on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of Euqual Opportunities (75/2003), which bans direct discrimination. The statement supplemented with the Dean’s explanation wishes to place gay men, lesbian women and bisexual people who live out their sexual orientations in a disadvantageous position compared to heteroseual people, that is, it exerts discrimination.

Háttér Support Society especially disapproves of the fact that the statement was issued shortly after the Equal Opportunities Law had been passed legislation. Furthermore, the organisation regrets that instigation against certain minority groups has been growing within certain Calvinist religious circles.

Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary, which is an organisation of outstanding public utility calls on Károli Gáspár Calvinist University to withdraw their statement, which is an infringement of human rights in another one to be made until 27th January 2004. Failing this, Háttér Support Society will in court seek enforcement of the prohibition of discrimination that is provided for in par. 20 (1) (c) of the Equal Opportunities Law, and at the same time seek recompensation and public penalty against the university.

We invite everyone who disapproves of the discriminatory attitudes of the university to forward their letters of support to hatter [kukac] hatter [pont] hu stating their names and, if possible, professions.

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