You are not alone! | Háttér Society

You are not alone!

Between March 2015 and April 2016 Háttér Society is implementing a project entitled You are not alone! Country-wide network for the protection of the rights of LGBTQI people to increase the legal awareness of the LGBTQI community and the LGBTQI sensitivity of lawyers.

The aim of the project is to encourage LGBTQI people to start legal procedures in cases of human rights violations and to provide them with quality legal aid throughout the country.

The project achieves these goals by:

  • providing free legal aid to LGBTQI people;
  • conducting needs assessment among LGBTQI victims;
  • compiling an LGBTQI law handbook;
  • training lawyers outside of Budapest;
  • training paralegals from the LGBTQI community outside of Budapest;
  • conducting local legal awareness raising events and campaigns;
  • creating a smartphone up to Report homophobia!
  • prepare legal awareness raising videos and publications. 

The project is supported by the NGO Fund of the EEA/Norway Grants (EUR 49,720) and the European Commission (EUR 8,575).


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