Strategic plan | Háttér Society

Strategic plan

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The current strategic plan of the association was adopted in May 2013 for a three year period. The plan sets the direction of development and objectives for the period 2013-2015 providing guidance for all activities of the organization. 

The content of the plan is based on the contribution of the membership, leadership and - to the extent possible - the target group of organization. En order to involve our target group we published a call in which we asked members and allies of the LGBTQI community to give their opinion about what the organization should work on in the coming years. In the second phase of the planning, all programs prepared a detailed situation assessment and their own strategic plan. The final draft was prepared by a working group based on the contributions from our target group and the strategic ideas of the programmes. The plan was adopted by the General Assembly of the association on 12 May 2013. 

The strategic plan sets out six organization-level development objectives, as well as priorities for each programmes. To implement tha plan the association will adopt yearly work plans and prepare annual reports on the progress made.

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