Diversity and Childhood - Sokszínűség és gyermekkor
Between October 2019 and September 2021 Háttér Society is implementing an international training, capacity building and awareness raising project entitled Diversity and Childhood - Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe.
- social diagnosis: analyzing the situation concerning violence against LGBTQI and gender-nonconform children,
- collecting good practices in the field of education, healthcare, family, public spaces and media,
- awareness raising among professionals, institutions, peer groups and children,
- tackling gender based violence directed at LGBTQI children,
- promoting cooperation between public bodies and civil society organizations.
- Needs assessment (LGBTQI children, professionals)
- Collecting good practices
- Developing working methods and tools for professionals
- Training of trainers (capacity building)
- Awareness raising on diversity and GBV and its impacts: trainings, workshops, scholarly publications, articles
Project partners:
- University of Girona (Spain) - coordinator
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
- KMOP (Greece)
- Lambda Warsawa (Poland)
- Zagreb Pride (Croatia)
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais) (Portugal)
- Háttér Society (Hungary)
- Cavaria (Belgium)
- LGL (Lithuania)
The project is co-funded by the Rights, equality and citizenship (2014-2020) program of the European Union. The REC program provides a funding of EUR 528 410 for the whole project, of which EUR 44 834 covers costs in Hungary.