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Bíróság: kártérítést kell fizetnie az iskolának, amiért nem vették fel a leszbikus szülők gyermekét

In its binding decision the Metropolitan Court of Budapest ordered the Kispesti Waldorf School to pay 350,000 forints (c. €1,100) and its interests for having rejected the application of a student in 2013 after his mother told the school that the child was raised by two mothers. The plaintiff was represented by Háttér Society.

Sajtóközlemény - EBH: Jogellenesen utasították el a transznemű álláspályázót

The Equal Treatment Authority found discrimination based on gender identity for the first time in a case concerning an employer’s rejection of a transgender job applicant. 

Brazil melegeket támadtak meg az Oktogonon - elítélte őket a bíróság

Two young men were convicted for the crime of violence against a member of a community for attacking and spitting at two gay Brazilian students studying in Budapest on April 21, 2014.

Sajtóközlemény: Felfüggesztett börtön a Pride résztvevőinek fenyegetéséért

Extreme right-wing activist found guildy of committing a hate crime for insulting participants of the Budapest Pride in 2012.


Három év letöltendő - súlyos büntetés a homofób bántalmazónak

For the first time since its introduction in 2008 a Hungarian court used the new hate crime provision for homophobic violence in a case concerning the assault of a participant of the Budapest Pride March in 2013.

Új projektünk fókuszában a leszbikus és transz nők elleni családon belüli és randierőszak

Between February 2015 and January 2016 our association is implementing an international research and awareness-raising project on domestic and dating violence against lesbians and trans women with the support of the European Commission.

Nem vették fel leszbikus szülei miatt az iskolába - bírságolt az EBH

The Equal Treatment Authority found the Kispest Waldorf School liable for unlawful discrimination by rejecting the application of a boy after his mother told the school he was raised by two women.

Jogerős: diszkriminált a Budapesti Rendőr-főkapitányság a Budapest Pride 2012-es betiltásával

In the suit launched by Háttér Society and the Helsinki Committee the second instance court also found that the police ban amounted to discrimination and harassment. 

Új projektünk fókuszában az azonos nemű párok mediációja

Between March 2014 and August 2015 our association is implementing an internationl research and training project on the mediation of same-sex couples with the support of the European Commission. 

The Regional Court of Appeal of Debrecen has today upheld an earlier decision of a lower level court, and sentenced a defendant to life imprisonment for murdering an elderly gay pharmacist out of homophobic motive. The case is the first known murder case in Hungary where the courts found homophobic hate an aggravating circumstance.

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