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Sajtóközlemény - Zaklató módon diszkriminált a rendőrség a 2012-es Pride-felvonulás betiltásával

On January 16, 2014 the Metropolitan Court of Budapest found that the Budapest Police committed direct discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation when banning the Budapest Pride March in 2012. The case was launched by Háttér Society and an individual, who were represented in court by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. The decision is appealable.

Azonos nemű pároknak és gyermekeiknek is jár a kedvezményes családi focijegy

The intervention of the Equal Treatment Authority was needed to force the Hungarian Football Federation to change its policy which excluded same-sex couples and their children from those entitled to buy football tickets at a reduced price available to families.

Elindult a Háttér Társaság angol nyelvű honlapja

The most important information about the organization and its programs, as well as news about recent developments on LGBT life in Hungary will be available online in English for visitors of the website.

Sajtóközlemény - Elmarasztalta a fürdőt az EBH a meleg pár zaklatásáért

The Equal Treatment Authority found a violation of law and prohibited the further continuation of the unlawful conduct in a case launched by a gay couple against a historic thermal bath in Budapest.

A transz patikus javára döntött a hivatal

In a recent decision the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of State has been ordered to issue a new pharmacy license to a trans pharmacist that does not contain reference to her birth name and gender.

The Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary considers it extremely harmful that the United Nations will not declare its support towards people, discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary considers that statement entitled „On Homosexuality” issued on 4th January 2004 by the Faculty of Theology of Károli Gáspár Calvinist University maintains severe discrimination.

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