Press release: The UN decision is appaling | Háttér Society

Press release: The UN decision is appaling

human rights, UN, press release

The Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary considers it extremely harmful that the United Nations will not declare its support towards people, discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation, and gender identity. It would be the duty of UN Human Rights Committee to protect the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people as well. It is outrageous that a worldwide organisation disregards the fact that in many countries these communities have to face discrimination, they are derived their basic human rights.

Human rights cannot be the subject of political negotiations. It is the duty of each and every civilised country to commit themselves to combating any form of discrimination. 

We find the homophobic activity of Vatican and the Organisation of Islamic Conference extremely regrettable.

We are convinced that homophobia together with anti-Semitism and racism is a phenomenon against which the Government of the Hungarian republic has to act in determination on national and international fora.

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