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Joint letter with ILGA-Europe: New draft law in Hungary seeks to exculde trans women from pension benefits

Along with ILGA-Europe we have sent a letter to European Commission President von der Leyen, alerting her to a new draft law in Hungary excluding trans women from accessing pension benefits for women. This runs contrary to the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights and Hungarian case law.

A bejelentővédelmi törvény nem teszi jogellenessé a szivárványcsaládokat

Although the recently passed legislation will further strengthen anti-LGBTQI public sentiment, the provisions of the new law do not create a basis for legal persecution of rainbow families.

European Commission: the so-called "child protection" law is bleeding from a thousand wounds

A year and a half  after announcing the infringement proceeding, the Court of Justice of the European Union today has published the European Commission's action against Hungary over the so-called "child protection" law. EU Member States have six weeks to join the CJEU's case.

Hungarian Constitutional Court goes against its own previous position: legal gender recognition remains impossible

The Constitutional Court on February 2, 2023 finally rendered its decision in one of the pending cases on the impossibility of legal gender recognition for trans people. The decision ignores the Court's own previous decisions and unequivocally contradicts international human rights standards. Háttér Society is taking the cases to Strasbourg. 

„Végre indulhat az életem”: két és fél év jogi küzdelem után engedélyeztek nem- és névváltoztatást a magyar hatóságok

In May 2020, the Fidesz-KDNP made it impossible to obtain legal gender recognition in Hungary. Háttér Society has been fighting the inhumane law on all platforms since the amendment was passed; now five of their clients have succeeded. 

LMBTQI tudatosságnövelő videók a lelki egészség területén dolgozó szakemberek számára

As part of the Erasmus+ project “Common Point - Innovative approaches to training mental health service providers for the quality support of LGBTQI people” we are excited to present a series of educational videos on various LGBTIQ+ topics.

Як ми допомагаємо біженцям з України

Háttér Society є солідарною з Україною та людьми, що тікають від війни.

Elbukott a népszavazás, vissza kell vonni a propagandatörvényt

The government’s anti-LGBTQI referendum, held on the same day as general elections, failed.

Megbízható Bejelentők: Ne akadályozzák meg, hogy a civil szervezetek Megbízható Bejelentőkké váljanak

Trusted Flaggers raise a red flag: don’t prevent NGOs from becoming Trusted Flaggers due to disproportionate reporting obligations

Megijedt a kormány: bírsággal hallgattatnák el a propaganda-népszavazás megbuktatóit

On Sunday, more than 1.6 million Hungarians cast invalid votes to reject the government's manipulative and fear-mongering referendum. The invalidity of the referendum shows that the majority of Hungarians do not support the government's exclusionary policies. Five days after the miserable failure of the government's anti-LGBTQI referendum, the National Election Committee (NEC) suddenly realized that the months-long campaign "defeats the constitutional purpose of the exercise of power."

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