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Fotó: Nagy Szabolcs

41% of the total population is not planning on participating in the referendum and almost half of the opposition voters will vote invalid on the 3rd of April - finds a representative survey by Medián commissioned  by Amnesty International and Háttér Society.

How we help Ukrainian refugees

Háttér Society stands in solidarity with Ukraine and people fleeing the war. 

Hungarian NGOs call for invalid votes on the government’s anti-LGBTQI referendum

President János Áder announced the date of the government's anti-LGBTQI referendum, which will take place on April 3 along with the parliamentary elections. NGOs are asking voters to vote invalidly so that everyone can live in safety and equality in Hungary. 

Kidobta a Kúria az egyik transzfób népszavazási kérdést 

The Curia, the highest regular court in Hungary, has refused to validate a question the government submitted as part of an anti-LGBTQI referendum. Although the National Electoral Commission accepted the question "Do you support making gender reassignment treatments available to underage children?", the Curia ruled that this question cannot be the subject of a referendum.

Történelmi csúcson a melegek elfogadottsága Magyarországon

Most Hungarians support that young people hear about sexual and gender minorities, and don’t want the government to decide what sex education covers - according to a representative poll commissioned by Amnesty International Hungary and Háttér Society and conducted by polling agency Medián.

rbán Viktor Brüsszelben 2020. július 17-én. Fotó: John Thys / AFP

The Hungarian government faces serious criticisms on the recently adopted homophobic and transphobic propaganda law.  When questioned by European leaders, Orbán spread a number of lies to defend the law. In this article we provide a detailed rebuttal of those lies. 

A magyar állam nem hogy nem védi, aktívan aláássa az LMBTQI emberek szabadságát és jogait 

Timeline of how the Fidesz-KDNP government and its parliamentary majority has been systematically undermining the freedom and equal rights of sexual and gender minorities ever since they came into power in 2010, and especially since the spring of 2019.

Országgyűlés; kép forrása:

Despite thousands of protesters, and a petition signed by more than 100,000 people, the Parliament doesn’t care about the opinion of Hungarians. On Tuesday, June 15, the Parliament passed the propaganda law, thus banning LGBTQI-themed educational programs, products, and advertising for persons under 18 years of age.

Orosz minta alapján indított frontális támadást a szólásszabadság és a gyermekjogok ellen a kormány

Yesterday, June 10, the Hungarian ruling party, Fidesz, introduced an amendment that would severely restrict freedom of speech and children’s rights by banning LGBTQI-themed educational programs and public service advertisements. Out of  Hungarian LGBTQI people, 42% have thought about suicide and 30% have attempted it. This new amendment - which eerily mimics the Russian propaganda law - would further poison public opinion. 

Fővárosi Törvényszék: alaptalanul gyanúsítgatta a vasá az örökbefogadó meleg párt

In January the pro-government news site published a story about a “boy with two fathers”, in which, besides using derogatory language, they also claimed the couple tricked the authorities by hiding they were a same-sex couple and pretending only one of them would adopt as a single parent. The Court declared these were unfounded allegations and ordered the news site to rectify their mistake.

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