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Megszűnt a meleg és biszexuális férfiak hátrányos megkülönböztetése a véradás során

The Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service has published that as of January 1, 2020, men who have sex with men (MSM) are allowed to donate blood, unless their sexual behavior is otherwise risky. The new regulation puts an end to decades of discrimination against gay and bisexual men.

Kasznár Katalin - 24. Budapest Pride Felvonulás 2019

22 months after the suspension of gender and name change requests, the government would now prohibit legal gender recognition of transgender people.

A szórakoztató videókat nem, az LMBTQI szervezetek oldalait blokkolta a Főpolgármesteri Hivatal - milliós bírságot kapott

The Equal Treatment Authority imposed a 3,000 EUR fine on the Mayor’s Office of Budapest for blocking access to LGBTQI websites from its local network. The Authority found that this conduct harmed not only the organizations whose websites had been blocked, but also the whole LGBTQI community.

Sajtóközlemény - Alkotmánybíróság: alapvető jog a transznemű emberek nemének jogi elismerése

The lack of legislation on legal gender recognition and related name change for foreigners permanently residing in the country is unconstitutional – ruled the Hungarian Constitutional Court. The petitioner, an Iranian trans man was represented by the legal aid service of Háttér Society.

A Debreceni Egyetem főépülete (forrás: Wikipedia)

The banning of an LGBTQI roundtable in April 2016 by the University of Debrecen and its subsidiary amounted to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity - decided the Equal Treatment Authority, and imposed a fine of 100.000 HUF on the University.

Sajtóközlemény - Jogerős: A magyar államnak is el kell ismernie a külföldi melegházasságokat bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolatként

Same-sex marriages conducted abroad have to be recognized in Hungary as registered partnerships - says in a binding decision the Regional Court of Budapest. The case was launched by an American-Hungarian lesbian couple, whose Belgian marriage the Hungarian authorities would not register. Háttér Society provided legal representation to the couple.

Sajtóközlemény - Ombudsman: Jogellenes volt a pécsi leszbikus nő örökbefogadási kérelmének elutasítása

A recently published report of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights found that the Hungarian authorities’ decision to reject the application of a woman living with her same-sex partner to adopt a 16-month-old Roma girl infringed on the child’s right to protection and care, and amounted to unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Kép: Atlasz Sportegyesület/Facebook

The Equal Treatment Authority found that a local-government run swimming pool discriminated against an LGBTQ sports club when it declined to rent out two of its swimming lanes for a sport event. The Authority imposed a fine of 1 million HUF.

Hungary: same-sex registered partners to receive all tax benefits afforded to spouses

The National Tax and Customs Administration announced to revise its earlier policy discriminating against same-sex registered partners in matters of inheritance and personal income tax.

Sajtóközlemény - Letöltendő börtön a melegeket és romákat verő gárdistáknak

Five men were found guilty of violence against a member of a community for attacking three participants of the Budapest Pride on July 6, 2013.


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