| Háttér Society

Hidden from History : Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past

TitleHidden from History : Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past
Publication TypeSzerkesztett könyv
Kiadás éve1990
KiadóPenguin Group
VárosNew York
Oldalak számxi, 579 p
EditorsDuberman, MB, Vicinus, M, Chauncey, G

This richly revealing anthology brings together for the first time the vital new scholarly studies now lifting the veil from the gay and lesbian past. Such notable researchers as John Boswell, Shari Benstock, Jeffrey Weeks and John D'Emilio illuminate gay and lesbian life as it evolved in places as diverse as the Athens of Plato, Renaissance Italy, Victorian London, Jazz Age Harlem, Revolutionary Russia, Nazi Germany, Casto's Cuba - and peoples as varied as South African black miners, American Indians, Chinese courtiers, Japanese samurai, English schoolboys and girls, and urban working women. Gender and sexuality, repression and resistance, deviance and acceptance, identity and community - all are given a context in this fascinating work.

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