| Háttér Society

The Well of Loneliness : A 1920s Classic of Lesbian Fiction

TitleThe Well of Loneliness : A 1920s Classic of Lesbian Fiction
Publication TypeKönyv
Kiadás éve1990
KiadóAnchor Books
VárosNew York
Oldalak száma437
AuthorsHall, R
ISBN szám978-0-385-41609-2

"Originally published in 1928, Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness is the timeless story of a lesbian couple's struggle to be accepted by 'polite' society. When an unconventional woman named Stephen Gordon falls in love with an ingenue names Mary, their love affair gives Stephen her first taste of happiness. However, the pleasure the lovers find in each other is quickly tarnished by the disapproval of friends and family who refuse to welcome the 'scandalous' couple in their homes. But the most difficult test of the women's love for each other comes when a young man offers to give Mary the 'respectability' that Stephen can not. The Well of Loneliness is the thinly disguised story of Radclyffe Hall's own life. Shockingly candid for its time, this novel was the very first to condemn homophobic society for its unfair treatment of gays and lesbians. Banned outright in 1928, its publication marked an act of great courage which almost ruined Radclyffe Hall's literary career. Although half a century has passed since its initial publication, the issues of prejudice and persecution that Radclyffe Hall addresses remain sadly relevant today."

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