Title | The Anxiety Book for Trans People : How to Conquer Your Dysphoria |
Publication Type | Könyv |
Kiadás éve | 2021 |
Kiadó | Jessica Kingsley Publishers |
Város | London - Philadelphia |
Oldalak száma | 224 |
Nyelv | angol |
Authors | Benson, F |
ISBN szám | 978-1-78775-223-8 |
Absztrakt | As a trans woman, Freiya Benson is super anxious a lot of the time - from feeling unsafe in social situations, to worrying about how she looks and sounds - but over the years she has developed a toolkit for managing anxiety as a trans and/or non-binary person. Exploring specific triggers such as coming out, gender dysphoria, voice anxiety, transphobia, validity, passing and gender expectations, this guide will help you to identify and understand your triggers and anxiety, and build the resilience you need to handle life's challenges. With advice and personal stories from a range of trans people, this book highlights the importance of self-care and being proud of who you are and highlights how trans people can flourish both individually and as a community when their anxiety is no longer in charge. |
Kulcsszavak | antológia szorongásoldás transzfóbia transznemű nő transznemű férfi |
Gyűjtemény | Szakirodalom |
LMBT vonatkozás | főtéma |
Archívumban elérhető | nem |
Linkek |