What can employers do? COVID-19 Impact Report on Women, LGBTQ+, Roma and Disabled People
Háttér Society has partnered with WeAreOpen, Amnesty International Magyarország, Bagázs Egyesület, and Salva Vita Alapítvány to create the “What can employers do? COVID-19 Impact Report on Women, LGBTQ+, Roma & Disabled People”.
The Report includes useful information, data and resources about the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on minorities and concrete tips for employers how to handle it. Amnesty International Hungary provided information on gender equality and the role of women in domestic and care work. Bagázs Association shared their report on the negative effects on Roma communities in Hungary such as discrimination and digital poverty. Háttér Society shared their expertise about LGBTQ+ inclusion and how the pandemic could lead to an increase in exclusionary atmosphere. Salva Vita Foundation provided insights on the challenges disabled people face because of social distancing and remote work.