Registered Partnership. Guide to gay and lesbian couples
Since July 1, 2009 same-sex couples have the right to legalize their partnership in front of registrars. The name of this new insitutiton is registered partnership, which – except for a few exceptions – grants all the rights and duties that come with marriage. Hungarian law has recognized cohabitation among same-sex couples since 1996, and since January 1, 2010 a third option, registering cohabitation has been also available for both same-sex and different-sex couples.
Our publication aims to inform in an easy-to-understand manner same-sex couples about the legislation concerning these three different legal instituations available for them and help them making a choice between them. We deal in greatest detail with registered partnership, but we also discusess how it differs from cohabitation, registered cohabitation and marriage.
This publication contains outdated information, our publication containing current legislation is available from our Hungarian language website. The English version is being prepared.