The report produced in the framework of the BringIn project reviews the Hungarian legal environment related to intersex people, including legislation on health interventions, hate crimes and discrimination, as well as the personal experiences and needs of intersex people based on interviews with professionals, intersex people and their families.
The volume prepared in the framework of our international project Speak Out contains studies written by experts on the applicability of restorative justice methods in relation to hate crimes, and country chapters that analyzes the application of these methods in project countries, including in Hungary.
Via the implementation of an international project entitled TransVisible: Methodological innovation in career counselling for the economic empowerment of trans women, we have published the following guide to the labor inclusion and economic empowerment of trans women.
This toolkit prepared in the framework of the Speak Out international project provides methodological support for police training related to hate crimes. It provides a training agenda, specific exercises, animated videos that can be used in training, and background knowledge to trainers.
In the framework of our international project Speak Out we conducted an online survey in June-August 2019 which examined the experience of LGBTQI people with online hate speech and hate crimes.
The English translation of our report on the National School Climate Survey performed in 2017, summing up the school experiences of almost 1000 LGBTQI students aged 13 to 21 in Hungary.
This infopack aims to equip victims of anti-LGBT hate crime with practical tools on how to recognize and report a possible hate crime or hate speech incident.