Publications | Page 4 | Háttér Society


Report about the Implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity (CM/Rec(2010)5) in Hungary (2018)
July 2018

Detailed report about the Hungarian implementation of the March 31, 2010 recommendation of the Council of Europe on LGBT rights.

"They can be anything?" Employment and Workplace Discrimination against LGBTQI People in Hungary
October 2016

Final report of the project "Stories beyond the data: Documentation of discrimination in the field of employment" carried out in 2015-2016 that explore problems LGBTQI people face in the labour market, and sets out steps needed to create an inclusive workplace that recognizes LGBTQI people as full members of society. 

"They can be anything?" Employment and Workplace Discrimination against LGBTQI People in Hungary
October 2016

The final report of the project entitled ‘Stories beyond the data: Documentation of discrimination in the field of employment’ implemented between June 2015 and July 2016 with the support of ILGA-Europe within its Documentation and Advocacy Fund. The report maps problems with regards to the employment discrimination of LGBTI people; and discusses practical steps to make workplaces more inclusive that treat LGBTQI people as fully equal members of society.

A bűncselekmények LMBT áldozatainak védelme (2016)
May 2016

Report abotut the implementation of  Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA in Hungary upated in May 2016

Domestic and Dating Violence Against LBT Women in the EU
March 2016

The final report of the project Bleeding Love: Raising Awareness on Domestic and Dating Violence Against Lesbians and Transwomen in the European Union.

Understanding the needs of persons who experience homophobic or transphobic violence or harassment - The impact of hate crime
January 2016

This report draws out key findings from the study concerning the needs of persons who experience homophobic and transphobic violence and harassment, and the extent to which those needs were addressed by the criminal justice systems in Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania

Accommodating the needs of the victims of homophobic and transphobic hate crimes - Toolkit for The law enforcement bodies
January 2016

This publication is meant as a practical and useful support for stakeholders who are involved in all the formal and informal procedures in which crime victims are present and might require special attention. The toolkit was elaborated to serve as a useful instrument for all relevant representatives of public authorities, including justice system and any other professionals who are or might be involved in contact with victims of crime motivated by sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression grounds.

September 2015

As part of the 2nd cycle of the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) we prepared a parallel report about the LGBTQI human rights sitation in Hungary and a summary table about the implementation of the earlier UPR recomenndations, in cooperation with the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Labrisz Lesbian Association, Rainbow Mission Foundation (Budapest Pride) and Transvanilla Transgender Association. We submitted the parallel report to the UN Human Rights Council. 

Same-sex couples and mediation: a practical handbook
May 2015

This practical handbook aimed at mediators, lawyers and judges offers guidance to solving intra-familial disputes of same-sex couples via mediation.

April 2015

Éves jelentés a Magyarországon 2014-ben elkövetett LMBT emberek elleni gyűlölet-bűncselekményekről.

These are our publications available in English, for a full list of publications see:

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