| Háttér Society


Lassú magyar nyitás az LMBTQI közösség elfogadása felé: Eurobarométer 2023

Compared to 2019, the acceptance of the LGBTQI community in Hungary has shown a tentative increase. More and more people are aware that LGBTQI people face exclusion, with a coextensive increase in the number of people who would feel comfortable in the company of an LGBTQI person in different areas of life. More Hungarians are also in favour of young people learning about minority identities.

Történelmi csúcson a melegek elfogadottsága Magyarországon

Most Hungarians support that young people hear about sexual and gender minorities, and don’t want the government to decide what sex education covers - according to a representative poll commissioned by Amnesty International Hungary and Háttér Society and conducted by polling agency Medián.

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