| Háttér Society


A magyar állam nem hogy nem védi, aktívan aláássa az LMBTQI emberek szabadságát és jogait 

Timeline of how the Fidesz-KDNP government and its parliamentary majority has been systematically undermining the freedom and equal rights of sexual and gender minorities ever since they came into power in 2010, and especially since the spring of 2019.

Orosz minta alapján indított frontális támadást a szólásszabadság és a gyermekjogok ellen a kormány

Yesterday, June 10, the Hungarian ruling party, Fidesz, introduced an amendment that would severely restrict freedom of speech and children’s rights by banning LGBTQI-themed educational programs and public service advertisements. Out of  Hungarian LGBTQI people, 42% have thought about suicide and 30% have attempted it. This new amendment - which eerily mimics the Russian propaganda law - would further poison public opinion. 

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