Implementation of the Council of Europe recommendation
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a recommendation on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity with support from all 47 Member States. In 2012-2013 Háttér Society prepared a detailed report about the implementation of the recommendation in Hungary, which in 2018, after five years, we are repeating with our partner organizations.
Aims of the project:
- increase the awareness about the recommendation among Hungarian decision makers;
- documenting the legal and social situation of LGBTQI people in Hungary;
- compiling recommendations to the Hungarian government and public bodies.
- collecting and analyzing relevant legislation, case law and policies;
- collecting and analyzing reports and studies about the situation of LGBTQI people;
- submitting freedom of information requests on legal practice, and analyzing responses;
- research about the inclusion of LGBTQI topics in school textbooks;
- preparing a detailed report and submitting it to the Council of Europe;
- preparing a Hungarian and English website about the report.
- Háttér Society
- Hungarian LGBT Alliance
- Transvanilla Transgender Association
ILGA-Europe provides 5000 euros of financial support the project, of which Háttér receives 3600 euros.