LGBTQI Survey 2023
In 2023, Háttér Society conducted a survey reserch among LGBTQI people in cooperation with the Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Sociology. The aim of the research was to get a more accurate picture of the situation, problems, and opinions of the LGBTQI community in Hungary to help the work of civil society organizations and public bodies operating in the field of equal opportunities.
The questionnaire followed the methodology developed for the LGBT Survey 2010 and contained detailed questions on issues such as partnership and parenting, employment, healthcare, education, religion, hate crimes, discrimination and legal awareness. In the questionnaire, a separate block dealt with the situation and specific problems of transgender and intersex people. As part of the questionnaire, we also explored the problems that the LGBTQI community considers to be the most pressing, thus helping Hungarian LGBTQI NGOs focus on the issues that affect the community most.
The questionnaire was available online between January 13 and March 19, 2023.
If you have questions or opinions about the research, please write to!
The research was part of the project Inclusive Spaces: Creating Inclusive Spaces through Human Rights Education and Alternative Learning Journeys in which Háttér cooperates with Amnesty International Hungary, Labrisz Lesbian Association and the Rainbow Mission Foundation. The project is supported by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (2021-2027) of the European Union.