Tax 1% | Háttér Society

Tax 1%

1 %, donation

Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary is a public benefit association. With offering us 1% of your income tax you can also support our work, as many of you have been doing for years. To do this, you only need to indicate our tax number: 18071872-1-41

In Hungary, only one-third of all tax-paying citizens offer 1% of  their personal income tax to non-governmental organizations, two-third of the money goes to the state budget. The public funding of such organizations on the other hand, has radically decreased in recent years, causing many such organizations severe financial problems.

Donate 1% of your tax to Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary!

With the donation of your 1% you help to promote the operation of our association’s main programs (Information and Counseling Hotline, Legal Aid Service, Archive, HIV-line, Condom machine program).

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