The Common Point Handbook for Trainers provides guidance for trainers who would like to implement trainings for mental health professionals with the goal of improving the professionals' attitudes, knowledge and skills related to LGBTQI+ persons.
Between January 2022 and December 2023 Háttér Society is coordinating a national research, training and awareness raising project entitled United in Diversity: Mainstreaming LGBTQI equality in the work of professional organizations in Hungary.
The English translation of our report on the National School Climate Survey performed in 2017, summing up the school experiences of almost 1000 LGBTQI students aged 13 to 21 in Hungary.
Leading up to the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, euobserver published an article about LGBTI rights around Europe, with a special focus on Hungary and Finland. Our input focused on problems related to education.
In its binding decision the Metropolitan Court of Budapest ordered the Kispesti Waldorf School to pay 350,000 forints (c. €1,100) and its interests for having rejected the application of a student in 2013 after his mother told the school that the child was raised by two mothers. The plaintiff was represented by Háttér Society.
The Equal Treatment Authority found the Kispest Waldorf School liable for unlawful discrimination by rejecting the application of a boy after his mother told the school he was raised by two women.
Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary considers that statement entitled „On Homosexuality” issued on 4th January 2004 by the Faculty of Theology of Károli Gáspár Calvinist University maintains severe discrimination.