adoption | Háttér Society


The report analyzes what impact the legislative restrictions adopted in fall 2020 had on adoption by same-sex couples and LGBTQI people. 

Fővárosi Törvényszék: alaptalanul gyanúsítgatta a vasá az örökbefogadó meleg párt

In January the pro-government news site published a story about a “boy with two fathers”, in which, besides using derogatory language, they also claimed the couple tricked the authorities by hiding they were a same-sex couple and pretending only one of them would adopt as a single parent. The Court declared these were unfounded allegations and ordered the news site to rectify their mistake.

Fotó: Dudits Luca

Hungarian Minister of Justice submitted legislative amendments to the Parliament that stigmatize same-sex couples raising children and transgender people, making single-parent adoption and LGBTQI school education programs impossible.

Sajtóközlemény - Ombudsman: Jogellenes volt a pécsi leszbikus nő örökbefogadási kérelmének elutasítása

A recently published report of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights found that the Hungarian authorities’ decision to reject the application of a woman living with her same-sex partner to adopt a 16-month-old Roma girl infringed on the child’s right to protection and care, and amounted to unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The Situation of LGBT Families in Hungary
September 2010

An English language publication about the legal and social situation of same-sex couples raising children in Hungary prepared jointly with Inter Alia Foundation.

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