News | Háttér Society


Joint statement: EU Court of Justice Advocate General calls on Hungary to correct trans refugee’s gender marker in national registries   

Háttér Society, ILGA-Europe and TGEU welcome an opinion from the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union stating that Hungarian immigration authorities must correct the gender marker of a trans person in its national immigration registries upon request.

LMBTQI-ellenes gyűlölet-bűncselekmény vagy diszkrimináció ért? Jelentkezz egy egyórás anonim interjúra!

We are looking for interview participants who were previously targeted by anti-LGBTIQ+ hate crimes or discrimination; for our project ENACT: Enhancing the capacity of civil society organizations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes.

You can apply if you have experienced violence or discrimination based on your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, whether you reported the incident or not.

Újabb reménysugár: az Európai Bírósághoz fordul a Fővárosi Törvényszék a transz emberek nemének jogi elismerése kapcsán

The Court of Justice of the European Union held a hearing today in the preliminary ruling procedure on legal gender recognition for trans people.

Elindult az új, LMBTQI-ellenes gyűlölet-bűncselekmények áldozatainak támogatására fókuszáló projektünk

The project, which runs from March 2024 to February 2026, will be implemented with partners from Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia and Greece. The Legal Program of Háttér Society has been working since 2022 with the NGOs and academic institutions with which we are now embarking on a new two-year project. 

Nyílt levelet írtunk az Európai Unió Alapjogi Ügynökségének

At the end of January 2024, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published a report on the Hungarian child protection system prepared by the National University of Public Service and the Office of the Fundamental Rights Commissioner. Together with three other organisations, we protested in an open letter that the document presents the anti-LGBTQI legislation, known as the Propaganda Law, as a 'promising practice'

More than 60 transgender Hungarians have submitted applications to the European Court of Human Rights

Following the shameful decision of the Hungarian Constitutional Court in February 2023, the Legal Aid Service of Háttér Society decided to turn to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to get legal gender recognition restored in Hungary. Nearly a hundred people responded to our call in February 2023, and as part of our strategic litigation, we have so far submitted over 70 applications to the ECtHR. 

Lassú magyar nyitás az LMBTQI közösség elfogadása felé: Eurobarométer 2023

Compared to 2019, the acceptance of the LGBTQI community in Hungary has shown a tentative increase. More and more people are aware that LGBTQI people face exclusion, with a coextensive increase in the number of people who would feel comfortable in the company of an LGBTQI person in different areas of life. More Hungarians are also in favour of young people learning about minority identities.

Háttér Society held a workshop on victim-centered good practices that also consider intersectionality in hate crime proceedings

Háttér Society held a workshop on victim-centered good practices that also consider intersectionality in hate crime proceedings

Report in the public interest: recognise same-sex marriages concluded abroad!

Háttér Society has submitted a report in the public interest to the Ministry of Justice proposing that the law should recognise same-sex marriages concluded abroad as registered partnerships in Hungary. 

Háttér Society co-organised a successful multi-stakeholder workshop about victim-centredness and intersectionality in hate crimes

On July 3, 2023 Háttér Society, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights responsible for the protection of the rights of nationalities living in Hungary organised a workshop titled Victim-centred approach and intersectionality in the fight against hate crimes. The event, which formed part of the EU-funded international project Counter Hate created a unique opportunity for both public and civil actors to discuss victim-centeredness and intersectionality in hate crimes, and hate crime related issues in general.

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