This toolkit prepared in the framework of the Speak Out international project provides methodological support for police training related to hate crimes. It provides a training agenda, specific exercises, animated videos that can be used in training, and background knowledge to trainers.
The Common Point Handbook for Trainers provides guidance for trainers who would like to implement trainings for mental health professionals with the goal of improving the professionals' attitudes, knowledge and skills related to LGBTQI+ persons.
Ongoing research, training and awareness raising project on anti-LGBT hate speech and hate crime.
Projects delivering trainings to increase the sensitivity and competence of professionals and the awareness and capacity of LGBTQI communities
The project implemented between March 2015 and April 2016 aims to increase the legal awareness of the LGBTQI community and the LGBTQI sensitivity of lawyers.
Research and training project on the needs of victims of homophobic and transphobic hate crimes.
A comparative research project to uncover experiences of mediation involving same-sex couples and to raise the awareness of mediators
We regularly organize awareness raising trainings for members of the LGBTQI community; and sensitivity trainings for professionals working with LGBTQI people.