Our organization relies strongly on the invaluable work performed by volunteers. We are looking for volunteers for the following programs:
- We are looking for volunteers to our telephone service, regularly. Operators have the following duties: help clients via phone (or Skype) with emotional problems, lifestyle advice, crisis intervention, giving information of public interest, HIV-AIDS prevention guidance; Operators have to participate in training, monthly supervision, case discussion meetings, staff meetings, making telephone statistics and analyses.. We advertise the possibility for the application. You can find the the current call for this or send an email to hatter@hatter.hu .
- Collecting materials for the Archive, photocopying, scanning, making computer database, computer data processing, organizing and processing library materials (manually and with computer), cataloging books, films, writing articles, studies and press reviews, handling materials (archival materials, supply transportation) PR, welcoming visitors to the Archive and giving them the requested materials, recording films, interviews, archival work, library work, restoration activities (repairs, bookbinding, etc.).
- Our Legal Aid service is looking for volunteers on the following activities: legal research to help the legal aid work, writing brochures and advertisements to support the legal aid program, editing the legal aid newsletter, monitoring changes in legislation, responding to legislation, writing arcticles and press releases in connection with the work of the legal aid program, media watch.
- We are looking for volunteers in connection with our HIV/AIDS program to help write, edit and correct prevention and informative brochures, to help hand out condoms, lubricants and informative brochures at events, clubs, to write training materials, conduct personal and telephone counseling (after training), to conduct questionnaire surveys and fieldwork.
- We are constantly looking for volunteers to help maintain the website, to take care of the columns at the website, to write news about the organization, to help upload events in the program calendar.
- We are also looking for volunteers constantly for office work, such as filing documents on paper and by computer, recording these documents, organizing archives, answering the telephone and emails.
- We often need volunteers to help translate press releases, event recommendations and news about the organization.
- We also often need volunteers with car or bicycle to help transport brochures or to represent us at events.
- We often need volunteers to help in graphic works (editing brochures, website design, poster design)
- Sometimes we need volunteers to help at events.
If you would like to volunteer occasionally or regularly, please fill out this form.