workplace | Háttér Society


Social attitudes towards LGBTQI issues in Hungary. November 2023
May 2024

This report summarizes the results of a nationally representative public opinion poll conducted by the Median Public Opinion and Market Research Institute in November 2023. Háttér Társaság commissioned the research. The research covered topics such as the general framing of homosexuality, social attitudes related to coming out, support for marriage and parenting by same-sex couples, legal gender recognition for trans people, views on the so-called "child protection" law, and opinions about proactive measures by public bodies and employers.

Trans, intersex and non-binary people at work in Hungary: A national report
January 2022

A report prepared in the framework of the Inclusion4All project based on interviews and surveys with HR professionals and trans, intersex and non-binary. 

WeAreHere 2018/19 Tevékenységünk
Itt vagyunk! 2018/19

Family and workplace acceptance is in the focus of our new awareness raising project launched in January 2018 funded by the European Union.

"They can be anything?" Employment and Workplace Discrimination against LGBTQI People in Hungary
October 2016

The final report of the project entitled ‘Stories beyond the data: Documentation of discrimination in the field of employment’ implemented between June 2015 and July 2016 with the support of ILGA-Europe within its Documentation and Advocacy Fund. The report maps problems with regards to the employment discrimination of LGBTI people; and discusses practical steps to make workplaces more inclusive that treat LGBTQI people as fully equal members of society.

"They can be anything?" Employment and Workplace Discrimination against LGBTQI People in Hungary
October 2016

Final report of the project "Stories beyond the data: Documentation of discrimination in the field of employment" carried out in 2015-2016 that explore problems LGBTQI people face in the labour market, and sets out steps needed to create an inclusive workplace that recognizes LGBTQI people as full members of society. 

Sajtóközlemény - EBH: Jogellenesen utasították el a transznemű álláspályázót

The Equal Treatment Authority found discrimination based on gender identity for the first time in a case concerning an employer’s rejection of a transgender job applicant. 

"Stories beyond the data: Documentation of discrimination in the field of employment" is a research project of Háttér funded by ILGA-Europe

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