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Legal guide for LGBTQI foreigners in Hungary
February 2023

This short guide provides information for non-Hungarian citizens who wish to visit Hungary or are planning to move to Hungary for a longer period. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) community may face particular challenges in this process. This guide answers the questions that most often arise in their cases and describes the practice in Hungary regarding legal entry and residence.

The rights of LBTQI women in Hungary
January 2023

A joint submission by the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Háttér Society, Transvanilla Transgender Association, and Labrisz Lesbian Association aimed at assisting the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by providing information about the state of the rights of lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex women in Hungary.


July 2022

The Hungarian Parliament adopted Act LXXIX of 2021 on taking more severe action against pedophile offenders and amending certain acts for the protection of children on June 15, 2021. The law often referred to as the "propaganda law" bans on access of minors to any content that propagates or portrays divergence from self-identity corresponding to sex at birth, sex change or homosexuality.

Common Point Handbook for Trainers
May 2022

The Common Point Handbook for Trainers provides guidance for trainers who would like to implement trainings for mental health professionals with the goal of improving the professionals' attitudes, knowledge and skills related to LGBTQI+ persons.

Trans, intersex and non-binary people at work in Hungary: A national report
January 2022

A report prepared in the framework of the Inclusion4All project based on interviews and surveys with HR professionals and trans, intersex and non-binary. 

November 2021

Act LXXIX of 2021 adopted in June 2021 bans access of minors to content that "depicts or propagates divergence from self-identity corresponding to sex at birth, sex change or homosexuality". Our report prepared for the Venice Commission analyzes the problematic parliamentary procedure used to adopt the legislation, its main provisions, related implementing legislation, earlier case law of various public bodies that will likely guide the interpretation of the law, sanctions that can be imposed in case of violation of the law, as well as inconsistencies with other laws, and the detrimental im

September 2021

Our report prepared for the Venice Commission analyzes the context of the abolishment of the Equal Treatment Authority, as well as the the legal position, case management practice and transparency of the Equal Treatment Directorate of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the impact of the merger on the number of discrimination cases reported. 

Uneasy Silences: LGBTI People in the Hungarian Healthcare System
July 2021

The report prepared in the framework of the project Open Doors: Promoting Inclusive and Competent Health Care for LGBTI People explores the legal and policy environment of healthcare for LGBTI people in Hungary. It analayzes strategies and health programs, medical protocols, existing research and targeted services.

Kínos csend: LMBTI emberek a magyar egészségügyi rendszerben
July 2021

The report prepared in the framework of the project Open Doors: Promoting Inclusive and Competent Health Care for LGBTI People explores the legal and policy environment of healthcare for LGBTI people in Hungary. It analayzes strategies and health programs, medical protocols, existing research and targeted services.

UPR jelentés 2021
March 2021

As part of the 3rd cycle of the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) we prepared a parallel report about the LGBTQI human rights situation in Hungary and a summary table about the implementation of the earlier UPR recommendations, in cooperation with the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Labrisz Lesbian Association and Transvanilla Transgender Association. We submitted the parallel report to the UN Human Rights Council. 

These are our publications available in English, for a full list of publications see:

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